i dont have much on this website yet
top tracks of my year:
- dracodraco - through the light (2022)
- DJ_Dave - Array (2023)
- Shygirl - thicc (2023)
- PinkPantheress - Capable of love (2023)
- In Explosions - anaesthesia (2021)
- Yaego - EUROPA (2023)
- DJ Planet Express - Lab (black balloons Remix) (2023)
- smokedope2016 - IM NOT GOD BUT I WISH I WAS (feat. Joeyy) (2022)
- PEARCE - Heartache (2023)
- TOKYOPILL - Distance (2023)
- southstar - Luna (2023)
- usedcvnt - they called me Violet (2022)
- Ninajirachi - Undo U (4x4 Mix) (2023)
- In Explosions - drop kick (2023)
- tba
`for f in *.flac; do sox "$f" -n remix - spectrogram -Y 300 -t "$(basename "$f")" -o "$HOME/spects/$f.spect.png"; done`
here `remix -` mixes all channels into one, `-Y 300` sets the target height for the image in pixels, `-t ...` sets the title for the image to be the filename, and then I store everything in my ~/spects folder
`flac -f8 *.flac`
`metaflac --remove-tag=GENRE --set-tag="URL=$URL" *.flac`
finding HQ images:
shrinking a jpg:
`ffmpeg -i cover.jpg -vf "scale=1000x1000" -q:v 2 small.jpg`